Goods And Services Tax

Goods and services tax (GST) is a 10% tax added to the price of most goods and services sold in Australia.

What is goods and services tax (GST)?

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a 10% tax added to the price of most goods and services sold in Australia. It's collected by businesses at the point of purchase and is then passed on to the government. 

Why do we pay GST? 

Like any other tax, GST is paid to fund government services and programs. It helps the government raise revenue to pay for things related to schools, hospitals, roads, and other essential services that benefit everyone in the country. 

Do you pay GST on rent? 

GST doesn’t apply to residential rent. This also means you cannot claim any GST credits for associated expenses. However, GST does apply in the contexts of commercial premises. These include: 

  • Hotel rooms
  • Serviced apartments
  • Function rooms
  • Office spaces

What's your property worth in today's market?

Compare your property to recent sales in the area to get a current market estimate.

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