Environmental Impact Study

An environmental impact study is an approach used to assess the effects of a development proposal on the environment.

What is an environmental impact study?

An environmental impact study or environmental impact assessment (EIA), is an approach used to assess the effects of a project or property development proposal on the environment. 

What is included in an environmental impact assessment? 

An environmental impact report/study is typically organised into distinct sections, each addressing specific aspects of the assessment:

  • Project description: this section outlines the details of the proposed action, providing a comprehensive statement that describes the project's scope, objectives, and anticipated outcomes.
  • Environmental setting: the report includes a thorough portrayal of the environment that will be affected by the proposed action.
  • Alternatives consideration: proposed alternatives to the initial action are explored in this section, offering potential variations or modifications. These alternatives are put forth as suggestions to mitigate or minimise environmental impacts.
  • Impact analysis: a detailed analysis of the environmental impacts associated with each suggested alternative is provided, assessing potential consequences and effects on the surroundings.

When is an environmental impact study required? 

An Environmental Impact Study is typically required for projects or developments that have the potential to have significant environmental impacts. The specific criteria triggering the need for an assessment can vary by state but often include factors such as the scale of the project, the nature of the proposed activities, and potential effects on sensitive ecosystems or communities.

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