4 reasons to outsource your lead generation

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Zoe Pointon is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of OpenAgent. Over the years, she's had the privilege of collaborating with some of the brightest minds in real estate, amassing over a decade of invaluable experience and a treasure trove of insights around the property buying and selling process.
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How do you generate leads in your real estate business?
Typically, agents will hit the hustings when listings are a little tight, getting out to door knock, advertise in the local paper (or maybe social media) or hit the phones to reach out to past contacts.
These are all good solid practices but what if there was a way to supercharge these methods and drive business to you even when you don't have time?
A good lead generation partner can not only significantly improve the quantity of the leads you receive, but most importantly, the quality as well. Here are four reasons why you'd be mad not to consider outsourcing lead generation.
1. A lead partner has better tools and skills
Whether it's a website designed to help consumers, access big datasets that help identify an intention to sell, or a qualification process that hones in on the timing and motivation of a seller, a lead generation partner has a more powerful tool kit than the average agent.
"While you may have a sales team who knows how to sell, we have a data team that can provide you a greater scale and scope"
While you may have a sales team who knows how to sell, we have a data team who knows how to gather, analyse and crunch the data, providing greater scale and scope. And we don't just see how you list and sell.
Our data sets observe the behaviours of the best agents in the country, so our tools also capture the real skills required to be successful at listing.
2. A lead partner has more experience and focus
A typical agent breaks his or her day into a myriad of tasks that include open houses, cold calls, responding to inquiries, paperwork, emails, settlements, marketing activities - the list is endless.
A lead generation partner spends their time generating leads - all day every day. It stands to reason that the combination of giving the task more time each and every day will create better results through both the focus and the expertise that it provides.
3. A lead partner is more efficient and consistent
The combination of better tools through big data, automation and dedicated human resource, together with the focus of identifying leads day after day leads to efficiencies, and structures and processes that amplify those efficiencies even further.
A lead generation partner is also likely to be considerably more consistent in sending you leads on a fairly regular basis than a typical agent who is usually motivated best by scarcity.
Read: 7 myths debunked about lead generation
4. It's a great addition to your team

In all this talk of lead generation, the conversation does not have to be either/or. There is no one magic bullet and no one way works exclusively and best in every instance.
"Having a lead partner can provide a solid and reliable back up to underpin the minimum number of leads you can expect any given month"
But having a lead partner working for you can provide a solid and reliable back up to help underpin the minimum number of leads you can expect any given month, which in turn helps create stability to underpin your business.
Marta Higuera is the joint CEO of OpenAgent